The easiest and fastest way to make real income online (not fast buck), it is your own ebook and sell your own ebooks that you have. Although it is simple and direct as a first step, there are several basic equipment, you need for successful, are as follows:
1 book
Needs of electronic books is more widely used, but some people use the one touch users their ebooks of the branche.Il is a quick mean to start your business will be carry out in smaller in this way, and you have no control over the actual product that you sell.
2 - A Web site
Sell your eBooks, you need to implement a simple but effective eStore.even in cases where you don't have a sophisticated, modern technological tool, you can easily and very good marché.le price of a cup of coffee, creating a Web page complete with all the features and the attractiveness
3 - there is an autorépondeur
It comes to email marketing tool which has been shown to increase sales of how significative.Il is implemented on your Web site and collect the names and addresses visitors, which will be send you e-mails and try to appear on your book or other products on the Web by e-mail.
4 And a sales letter
The sales letter, it is important for réels.mauvaise sales sales letter that will hurt your sales, you will be charmed by sales of good letter to its customers and their buying what you sell.
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